Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Happy Birt Day

Happy Birth Day Dear Nilanthi ....... 10th November

Monday, December 29, 2008

Nilanthi Dias

Nilanthi Dias Karunaratne is one of the finest dancers in Sri Lanka who emerged as a dancer with ‘Gypsis’ Pitikotapan Noney ten years ago.
The dance of three youthful lasses left audience in trance. Truly the song became very popular because of the eye catching dance by three dazzling girls. Dias then switched to acting and has shown her talents in that field as well. Excerpts from the chat she had with the Sunday Observer.
Tell us how you entered the field?
I started learning dancing when I was very small and, if my memory serves me right it was at the age of eight. I studied dancing at my Alma Mater, All Saints Convent, Borella and didn’t miss any dancing show at school. I had also taken part in many dancing competitions when I was schooling.
Balancing with my studies I learnt many a dancing style such as Kandyan and low country dance. After I left school I started learning Bhartha Natyam, Latin American dances, Ballroom and Rock and Roll etc.
Actually I have studied a little bit of every dancing style. And that helps me to create my own dancing styles- a blend of all.Because of my interest in dancing, I further went on learning more dancing styles and that’s why Gypsis recruited me for their group. Actually Pitikotapan Noney marked my foray in to this field.
That became very popular those days and we had a huge response. Even when we went for shopping or on the road I observed people purposely looking at me. Sometimes guys used to say jokingly “This is that ‘Pitikotana girl’. I want string hoppers tomorrow. Can you make.”
Being impressed by my performance in Pitikotapan Noney, the director of the film offered the main role in Jolly Hello soon after.
Are you a professional dancer?
I may not be wrong, if I say that I’m a professional dancer. I receive quite a large number of invitations for a month for dancing shows. I have my own dancing group of 10 dancers namely “Nilanthi dancing group”. Since I do not engage in fixed-scale salary employment, dancing and acting have become professional.
You said that you studied many dancing styles when you were schooling and at the very beginning of the foray in to this field. Don’t you like to study dancing further more?
Why not? Time is the factor that stands on my way. I wish if I could go aborad and study in a dancing academy to get my talents more sharpened.
What’s your dancing style? Kandyan, ballet or Latin American?
As I said earlier, I have learnt a little bit of every dancing style. I don’t say I am a Kandyan dancer, Bharatha Natyam dancer, Ballet dancer or Latin American dancer. My dancing style is a blend of everything. I create my own dancing styles. I blend Bharatha Natyam and Latin American or Kandyan or Ballet together and then create a unique pattern of dancing depending on the situation I preform.
Are you still with Gypsis?
Yes, I wouldn’t have been what I am today if Gypsis didn’t recruit me. I’m still with them. But not regularly performing at their shows. If they invite me, I cancel all other invitations and appointments to perform in their shows. I have been with them for nearly ten years now.
Initially there were another two girls with you in the dancing group. Where are they now?
Both of them are married and having children. They are not in the field any more. Only I continued to be in the field. But we are still in touch with each other.
Are you happy of what you’re today?
Obviously. There is nothing that I should regret of what I am today.
Have you performed abroad?
Yes. I have been to many countries for dancing shows such as Australia, Canada, Japan, Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, Singapore, Malaysia and many more countries. But not very recently. After last year’s tour I found no time to go abroad and perform because I am very busy these days with my practising for ‘Dancing Star’ television show. This competition has in fact tightened my schedule.
Do you think that your audience are satisfied with your performance?
Yes of course! It’s obvious by the number of SMSs I have received hitherto (though I was not shown those SMSs) for my performance in “Dancing Star” show .I have gathered knowledge and experience by being in the field for more than ten years. I think my knack of performing in a natural and ownway without imitating anyone would have increased the audience.
What are your recent contributions to tele dramas and films?
I have acted in more than 25 films and tele dramas hitherto. The tele drama I recently acted is yet to be telecast - Mal Pipenne Hetai. And Bertrem Nihal’s Amarapuraya by which I gathered more knowledge and experience. Actually it is a milestone in my acting career. Sir Last Chance, the film I acted last is yet to be released.
Now turning to your personal life, what’s your normal routine and How do you start the day?
I get up at 4.30 am or 5.00 am, if I have got a special event, I mean if I have to go for shooting or dancing practice. Other days I sleep till 8.00 am I usually do my work on my own. If I am at home I like to listen to music ,dance or do some exercises to keep me fit. Of course dancing is an important exercise I do to keep my figure in shape, healthy and fit.
We would like to know a little bit about your aunt Beula Dias, who was once a popular actress?
She’s married to an Australian and living in Canada. She has two children.
Did your aunt’s performance in the field help you to come up in the field?
No. Many think that I entered the field because of my aunt. When I entered the field my aunt was not in the country. If I have achieved some status in the field it’s all my hard working. My aunt being an actress did not help me to become what I am today. But I am really proud to be a niece of such a talented and pretty actress!
Are you happy for what you are today?
Yes of course. I have gained good recognition and status in society. I am an established person today. Though there were many ups and downs along the way I trod, I was not demoralised by them but took them as blessings in disguise. I also believe that my talents helped me immensely to survive in this field for such a long span of time.

Nilanthi Dias Karunaratne is one of the finest dancers in Sri Lanka who emerged as a dancer with ‘Gypsis’ Pitikotapan Noney ten years ago.

Really Dancing Star